Recognition of image patterns through an artificial vision system in MATLAB




Algorithm, artificial, digitalization, processing, programming


Artificial vision is a discipline of artificial intelligence that applies image processing to pattern recognition, with the use of algorithms in controlled environments with a number of iterations in image processing. The proliferation of image capture devices has generated digital images around the world, these images contain information that should be used by public and private organizations for decision-making. The objectives were to improve pattern recognition through an artificial vision system, to measure the pattern recognition process, to implement an artificial vision system and to measure the relationship between pattern recognition and an artificial vision system. This was an applied research, of quasi-experimental type, with cross section, the population and sample of study were 8 image patterns, the technique was the verification with checklist, applied to 2 groups, a control group and an experimental group. It was concluded that the processing time for the recognition of 8 image patterns of the experimental group was 10.75 seconds and 67.75 seconds for the control group and with a degree of relationship between pattern recognition and the artificial vision system of 72%.


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How to Cite

Santa Maria Pinedo, J. C. ., Ríos López, C. A., Rodríguez Grández, C., & García Estrella, C. W. (2021). Recognition of image patterns through an artificial vision system in MATLAB. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 1(2), 15–26.