The right of access to information, transparency of public management and open data in the local governments of Peru




democracy, digitization, legislation, politics, services


The right of access to public information is an inherent part of the person, enshrined as a right that is the basis for others of equal importance and that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights fully supports; on the other hand, governments must facilitate access to this right and to carry out transparent practices in public management, one of the most important factors for these variables to develop is political will, the establishment of administrative processes, as well as the commitment of public servants to To provide quality services, in addition, open data portals manage to democratize this right to such an extent that citizens can participate in the stages of the implementation of public policies that satisfy the needs of citizens. The objective of this study was to carry out a review of the literature to establish a theoretical frame of reference on the right of access to information, transparency of public management and open data in local governments in Peru, for which it was reviewed -Scopus and Scielo databases scientific articles were published during the years 2017 and 2021. The most outstanding result determines that the transparency web portals implemented in local governments strengthen the right to AIP. We concluded that the AIP right in Peru is under development, and that the implementation of open data should be a medium-term strategy

Author Biography

Jhon Tafur-Puerta, Universidad César Vallejo

Lawyer with 16 years of experience in public administration and as a trial lawyer, with a Master's degree in Public Management, currently a candidate for a doctorate in Law, from the César Vallejo University. Public servant appointed in the Provincial Municipality of San Martín. Direct experience in the management, preparation and support of regulatory projects. Experience in the preparation and review of draft regulations related to Regional and Local Governments (Council Agreements, Ordinances, Decrees, Resolutions). ORCID: 0000-0003-4193-1322. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Tafur-Puerta, J. (2022). The right of access to information, transparency of public management and open data in the local governments of Peru. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 2(1), e274.