Vulnerabilities and threats in information assets

a systematic review




information assets, threats, cryptography, information security, vulnerabilities


With the advancement of time and technology, the security that was previously protected has been affected by multiple attacks, which in a certain sense were thought to be minor but, nowadays, it is necessary for the data to be controlled. These assets will be implicated by vulnerabilities and threats, which in order to defend themselves will require the question of this systematic review: Is it important to identify vulnerabilities and threats in information assets? Therefore, our research objective is to locate those vulnerabilities and threats that affect information assets along with solutions. This search was achieved thanks to the reviews of articles published in bibliographic databases such as: Scopus, Scielo, IEEE Xplore, IOPScience, ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, World Wide Science, Dialnet, Semantic Scholar and Google Academy between the years 2017 to 2022. As a result, those vulnerabilities will be obtained along with their threats, highlighting malware as the main threat to the asset and cryptography solutions that will seek to improve information security.


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How to Cite

Guevara-Vega, E. M. D., Delgado-Deza, J. R., & Mendoza-de-los-Santos, A. C. (2023). Vulnerabilities and threats in information assets: a systematic review. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 3(1), e461.