NOTION system for the administration of the workers home of the judiciary of Puno post Covid-19


  • Milder Zanabria-Ortega Universidad Nacional del Altiplano
  • Mireya Valkiria Benites-Cazorla Universidad Nacional del Altiplano



familia, gestión financiera, organización, planeación, sistemas de información


In this research, we addressed the challenges faced by the Judicial Power workers in Puno in managing and organizing their households. Our aim was to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the NOTION "Family Organizer" system. This descriptive quantitative study utilized a quasi-experimental longitudinal design; we administered pre-tests and post-tests to a randomly selected sample of 70 workers; the questionnaires used measured aspects such as stress and home management before and after the implementation of the NOTION system; we employed statistical methods (T-Student test) to analyze the collected data. The results revealed that the NOTION "Family Organizer" system achieved a general improvement of 22% in home management and a 35% increase in financial control. Moreover, we observed a 49.4% improvement in activity planning and a 53% improvement in family menu planning following the system's implementation. We concluded that the NOTION system is an effective tool that significantly contributes to home management and organization, reducing stress and improving the quality of life of the Judicial Power workers in Puno.


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How to Cite

Zanabria-Ortega, M. ., & Benites-Cazorla, M. V. . (2023). NOTION system for the administration of the workers home of the judiciary of Puno post Covid-19. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 3(2), e584.