Effect of different concentrations of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) and coffee (Coffea arabica) mucilage in the preparation of an energy drink
hydrating beverage, coffee, energy, mucilageAbstract
Cocoa mucilage is a very little industrialized by-product due to the lack of knowledge of its physicochemical properties and the lack of technological innovation for its handling and transformation. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of cocoa and coffee mucilage in the preparation of an energy drink. A Completely Randomized Design (C.R.D.) was used, evaluating 6 treatments with three replications was used to determine statistical differences using a Tukey significance test (p<0.05). The different concentrations of cocoa and coffee mucilage had a significant influence on the physicochemical characteristics (pH, titratable acidity, °Brix, ash, moisture, protein, density and carbohydrates) of the beverage; also, the treatments had a high energy content (43.08kcal to 58.60kcal). In relation to the sensory characteristics, T5 = 20% cocoa mucilage pulp and 1% coffee, obtained a greater acceptance by the tasters with the category "I like it a lot", in addition, it presented an amber color, flavor and aroma with slight notes of cocoa-coffee. With this, it is concluded that cocoa mucilage can be an alternative in the energy drink market.
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