A look at virtual education in Peru in times of the COVID-19





educational gaps, socio-emotional development, social inequality


At the end of 2019, China announced a new, rapidly spreading disease, causing the emergence of a global epidemic that would change the daily lives of the world and families. In order to control its reproduction, many governments adopted political measures oriented towards social distancing and restrictions. The MINEDU suspended the provision of direct educational services in public and private basic educational institutions, while the national emergency and health situation would help prevent and control COVID-19. Therefore, the present study proposes to contextualize the Peruvian educational reality during the period of health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, through the classification and analysis of the state of the art, with an analytical study of documentary research, based on publications from scientific magazines. Education in virtual environments in Peru exacerbated the weaknesses in the educational system, mainly, the widening of the cracks in social and digital inequality. Virtual education in a pandemic managed to separate the educational service by assigning levels according to the economic, geographical and technological conditions of the students and their families. For this reason, we recommend carrying out more studies that address the direct impact of this condition on Peruvian students.


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How to Cite

Maza-Córdova, E. (2023). A look at virtual education in Peru in times of the COVID-19. Revista Científica Episteme Y Tekne, 2(1), e459. https://doi.org/10.51252/rceyt.v2i1.459

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