The hitman and the problems of criminal justice and the treatment of adolescent offenders in the Judicial District of Lima




criminal law, criminal liability, criminality, juvenile delinquency, murder


Over the years, crime levels have increased and Peru has not escaped this reality. Various factors motivate criminal organizations to commit illegal acts, the most commonly used being hired killersmand extortion, most of which are carried out by minors. Thus, in this study we aimed to recognize the
deficiencies of juvenile criminal justice that influence the treatment of juvenile offenders in the Judicial District of Lima. The result is that there is a direct and moderate relationship (Rho de Spearman = .529) between the variables. In this way it was shown that, in effect, the hired gun affects the offenders to the criminal law, in the sense that many young minors who are in a bad way are required to execute the plans referred to the hired gun, taking advantage of their legal situation and trying to separate themselves from any criminal responsibility. Finally, we conclude that there is a legal need for the limited criminal responsibility of the adolescent offender to prevent the involvement of hired killers and the problems of criminal justice in Peru.


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How to Cite

Paredes-Sotelo, J. W. (2022). The hitman and the problems of criminal justice and the treatment of adolescent offenders in the Judicial District of Lima. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 2(1), e305.

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