Intervention of ICTs in redefining external care in Hospital II-2 Tarapoto in times of Covid 19 pandemic




Redefining, Telemonitoring, Teleinterconsultation, teleorientation


The health crisis in our country that we had to witness with the arrival of Covid 19, generated panic for the control of the health of our population. The general objective of this research article is to publicize the impact of the use of technology in Telehealth at the MINSA Hospital in a COVID 19 pandemic, the specific objectives being; establish operational processes for remote telehealth care, prioritizing Telemedicine strategies in users with chronic and non-chronic diseases and executing tele-care in an accessible and safe way for users, guaranteeing legibility, protection and informed consent.

It is descriptive and comparative with a quantitative approach. With a simple random probabilistic sampling of 1785 users, the simple descriptive statistics were used for the analysis, resulting in 80% Telemonitoring, 13% Teleinterconsultation and 7% Teleorientation. Being 62% from urban areas (Tarapoto, Morales and Banda de Shilcayo) and 38% from rural areas (IPRESS). 96% of telemonitors receive pharmacological treatment. 100% received supplies or drugs at home (62%) or IPRESS staff 38%. In conclusion, telemedicine in times of pandemic is 100% accessible to health services thanks to the benefits of ICT


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How to Cite

Saavedra Grandez, S. G. (2021). Intervention of ICTs in redefining external care in Hospital II-2 Tarapoto in times of Covid 19 pandemic. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 1(1), 58–68.