Information system based on the active methodology to improve the levels of reading comprehension of 2nd grade of an Educational Institution


  • Juan Erick Callao Lopez Universidad Nacional de San Martín



enseñanza, metodología activa, automatización, motivación, sistematización


The objective is to implement a technological tool that allows improving the reading comprehension of the 2nd grade of primary school of the Educational Institution No. 00743 Blanca Rosa Anduaga De Caro of the District of Calzada, Province of Moyobamba. The research question is to what extent the use of an information system will improve the reading comprehension of the 2nd grade of primary school of the Educational Institution ”, the answer to this question is made through an applied study and level of Quasi-experimental research, in which a pre and post test was applied. The responses that were obtained regarding the improvement of reading comprehension based on the mean of the results comparing the experimental group with the control group; These results are reflected in the percentage improvement in the achievement levels of the students, since in the first exam the following were obtained: students at the beginning 60% in process 20% and in satisfactory 20% and after having applied the treatment the following were obtained Results: 19% beginning students, 38% in process and 43% satisfactory, thus achieving evidence that the interest and performance of the students increased, going from low achievement levels to being at acceptable levels. It is recommended to massify the use of the proposal to improve reading comprehension in the second grade of the Educational Institution and improve the quality of basic education with an active methodology using information technologies


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How to Cite

Callao Lopez, J. E. (2021). Information system based on the active methodology to improve the levels of reading comprehension of 2nd grade of an Educational Institution. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 1(1), 16–23.