Wood dryer prototype for secondary processing with greenhouse technology, solar air collectors and electronic control systems


  • Lenin Cabanillas-Pardo Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1059-8064
  • Jorge Abel Cabanillas-Pardo Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación
  • Antonio Mendoza-Pinedo Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación
  • Milquiaset Jimenez-Montalban Universidad Nacional de San Martín https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0633-7942
  • Carlos Armando Ríos-López Universidad Nacional de San Martín https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1349-6119
  • Leydi Pintado-Pompa Universidad Nacional de San Martín




furniture, humidity, industry, quality


Wood is widely used as a renewable material for the furniture industry, but for this it must go through a drying process that guarantees the final quality of the product. Our goal was to develop a prototype wood dryer for secondary processing with greenhouse technology, solar air collectors, and electronic control systems. For this, we carried out an applied, non-experimental, descriptive investigation, of a technological nature for knowledge transfer in a carpentry company where we built the prototype with a system of measurement, monitoring and control of temperature and humidity under an IoT system with an Arduino. Mega 2560 and a Raspberry Pi applying deep learning algorithms. We managed to build the prototype to dry different species of wood with an average capacity of 1078 feet, with a drying time of 5.3 days, with 95% wood without deformations and 100% color uniformity. The dryer allows satisfactory results in terms of the physical characteristics of the wood with highly acceptable percentages.


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How to Cite

Cabanillas-Pardo, L., Cabanillas-Pardo, J. A., Mendoza-Pinedo, A., Jimenez-Montalban, M., Ríos-López, C. A., & Pintado-Pompa, L. (2023). Wood dryer prototype for secondary processing with greenhouse technology, solar air collectors and electronic control systems. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 3(1), e471. https://doi.org/10.51252/rcsi.v3i1.471