ICTs used by Martial Arts instructors during COVID-19 quarantine in Panama


  • Rubén Collantes-González Asociación Shotokan Karate Do Internacional de Panamá https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6094-5458
  • Pedro Alberto Ortega-Mendoza Asociación Shotokan Karate Do Internacional de Panamá https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5659-0992
  • Martín González González Asociación Shotokan Karate Do Internacional de Panamá




Judo, Karate, Social Networks, Virtual Classes


Martial arts provide multiple benefits for those who practice them regularly, especially for physical and mental health. However, COVID-19 has limited the development of face-to-face activities that bring together a considerable number of people, and information and communication technologies (ICTs) may be an alternative. The objective of this study was to know the ICTs used by martial arts instructors during the quarantine by COVID-19 in Panama. To do this, a structured survey was developed, aimed at instructors with the third dan (Sandan), its equivalent or superior; through Google Forms. The target population was a group of 60 martial arts instructors from Panama; of which, at 80% confidence and 10% error, a representative random sample of 26 instructors was obtained. They were given a period of seven days to complete the survey. According to the results, before COVID-19, 26.9% claimed to have more than 40 students; but, after the mandatory quarantine was established, 53.8% have 10 students or less and only 3.8% continue with more than 40 students. The main social networks used were WhatsApp (100%), followed by Facebook (73.1%) and Instagram (61.5%). The main platform used for virtual classes was Zoom with 76.9%, although 23.1% of the teachers indicated that they do not offer virtual classes. About 53.8% considered the experience with virtual classes to be good, but 84.6% indicated the Internet connection as the main limitation.


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How to Cite

Collantes-González, R., Ortega-Mendoza, P. A., & González González, M. (2021). ICTs used by Martial Arts instructors during COVID-19 quarantine in Panama. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 1(2), 4–14. https://doi.org/10.51252/rcsi.v1i2.160