Systemic Thinking in the Problem Solving Model in Third Grade High School Students


  • Henrry Montilla-García Universidad Nacional de San Martín



systems thinking, problem solving, problem solving model, constructivist model, complex problem


To exclude systemic thinking from teaching and learning mathematics in the approach of the constructivist model, whose elements do not show an articulation with problem solving, is enabling low learning achievement and the lack of a systemic thinking-based model for solving complex mathematical problems. The main objective of the study was to analyze the relationship between systemic thinking and the problem-solving model in students in the third grade of the "Santa Rosa" Educational Institution of Tarapoto. The research was of basic type, correlational level, with nonexperimental and descriptive design. The census sample consisted of 163 students. The data were collected through two assessment rubrics applied in observing the performance of students by participating in solving mathematical problems in a learning session. The results indicated that Kendall’s taub-b measure of the relationship between systemic thinking and the problem-solving model was 0.918; for a bilateral test with p-value = 0,000 < 0,05; therefore, it was concluded that there is a very high and positive relationship between systemic thinking and the problem-solving model.


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How to Cite

Montilla-García, H. (2022). Systemic Thinking in the Problem Solving Model in Third Grade High School Students. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 2(1), e162.