Systemic model with a focus on individual disciplines of the intelligent organizations and organizational efficiency

“I am the change"




intelligent organizations, model, organizational efficiency, simulation, system dynamics


The modeling of the behavior of an organization from an intelligent organization perspective is a challenging subject, however, it was possible to determine the influence of a system dynamics model on the approach of intelligent organizations in the organizational efficiency of a public university. The construction and validation of the model in its different hierarchies was achieved. By influencing the personal domain, the first individual discipline of an intelligent organization, it is observed that organizational efficiency could improve by 15% over time. Regarding the willingness to change the mental models, these could influence from 41% to 64% on the efficiency, this in a period of time of 36 months. Also achieving see the synergy that exists when combining each of the disciplines from a holistic perspective. Concluding that the model with a focus on intelligent organizations denotes a positive influence on the efficiency of universities, in this case at the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno.


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How to Cite

Zanabria-Ortega, M. (2022). Systemic model with a focus on individual disciplines of the intelligent organizations and organizational efficiency : “I am the change". Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 2(1), e264.