Digital skills in Mypes in the San Martín region, Peru




access to information, operation, digital tools, usefulness


Possessing digital skills is a necessity that Mypes are obliged to have in the current changing market, where commerce has been influenced by TIC. In this sense, the objective of the study was to determine the level of digital skills of Peruvian Mypes in the San Martín region in the post-Covid-19 era. For this, a basic descriptive level research and non-experimental cross-sectional design was carried out. 63 Mypes participated, which answered a validated and reliable survey. The results showed that the level of knowledge of the generic operation of digital tools was medium in 51%, high in 30% and low in 19%; the level of knowledge of digital tools was medium in 38%, high in 33% and low in 29%; the level of use of digital tools was medium in 63%, high in 24% and low in 13%; in addition, the level of access to digital information was medium in 48%, low in 35% and high in 17%. Concluding that the level of digital skills in Mypes de San Martín is regular.


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How to Cite

Erazo-Panduro, M., Cárdenas-García, Ángel, Ruíz-Cueva, J., García Castro, J. C., Torres-Delgado, W., & Tuesta Estrella, J. (2022). Digital skills in Mypes in the San Martín region, Peru. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 2(2), e385.