Dengue fever with signs of alarm

clinical manifestations




self-medication, hospitalization, MINSA, WHO


The objective of the research was to identify the clinical characteristics of dengue with warning signs in hospitalized patients, Hospital Tarapoto-MINSA. 102 cases of dengue with alarm signs admitted to the Tarapoto Hospital were included, during the years 2011 to 2016; the definitions were from official cases for Peru, the same ones that are recommended by the WHO. The mean age was 30.2 ± 13.6 years; the male sex prevailed (58.8%); 21.6% of cases went to the hospital 2 or more times before being admitted; self-medication occurred in 68.63%; the time of illness for the warning signs was 4.13±1.6 days; fever (100%), arthralgia and myalgia (66.7%), hyporexia (56.9%) were more frequent; the most frequent warning signs were continuous and intense abdominal pain (71.6%), external bleeding (61.8%) and persistent vomiting (49.0%); The ultrasound findings were gallbladder wall thickening, right pleural effusion, and fluid in the abdominal cavity; at admission, the hematocrit was 43.01% (SD ± 5.67) and at 24 hours, 36.61% (SD ± 4.00).


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Gómez, J. H. (2022). Dengue fever with signs of alarm: clinical manifestations. Revista Salud Amazónica Y Bienestar, 1(2), e399.