Effectiveness of Oral Litigation Techniques in the Interrogation of Representatives of the Public Ministry against Covid-19Effectiveness of Oral Litigation Techniques in the Interrogation of Representatives of the Public Ministry against Covid-19, Tarapoto 2020


  • Milagros Hidalgo-Dávila Universidad Nacional de San Martín




virtual hearings, digital divide, litigation strategies


The main objective was to determine the relationship between oral litigation techniques and interrogations in the face of the challenges and adaptations of oral trial during the pandemic, by representatives of the Public Prosecutor's Office. Basic research with a correlational descriptive design was carried out, applied to a sample of 30 respondents, including prosecutors from the fiscal district of San Martín and lawyers specializing in the field. The results showed that for 46.7% of the respondents the level of oral litigation techniques is medium and for 66.67% of the collaborators the level of interrogatories is medium. On the other hand, the relationship between oral litigation techniques and interrogations to the result of Spearman's correlation coefficient proved to be positive and moderate. It was concluded that factors such as the need to adapt to a virtual modality and the limitation in face-to-face interaction hinder the exercise of litigation techniques in oral trials, likewise, the possibility of identity impersonation as well as the variability of virtual testimony hinder the interrogations carried out by prosecutors. Finally, it was concluded that the digital divide and the limitations in technology significantly influence the relationship of the study variables.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo-Dávila, M. (2024). Effectiveness of Oral Litigation Techniques in the Interrogation of Representatives of the Public Ministry against Covid-19Effectiveness of Oral Litigation Techniques in the Interrogation of Representatives of the Public Ministry against Covid-19, Tarapoto 2020. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 4(2), e664. https://doi.org/10.51252/rcri.v4i2.664

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