User centered design and user experience in Universidad Libre access control system




web application, COVID-19, user interface, pandemic, prevention protocols


User-centered design has become a fundamental part of any software application development project, therefore, if you want to provide a user with a simple way to perform tasks or activities within a certain web page, platform, or application, it is essential. simplify and optimize the elements that are part of the site to provide a satisfactory user experience. This article discusses the essential elements of the user-centered design that are part of the web application for the control of capacity in the Bogota venues, developed for the Universidad Libre in order to comply with the regulations issued by the Colombian state, due to the health emergency generated by COVID-19. In addition to identifying, through a usability test, what were the different aspects that needed to be implemented so that future updates can be carried out and thus generate an improvement in the user experience, additionally a description of the planning process that was carried out and the reason why the project was proposed.


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How to Cite

Pedraza-Gutiérrez, S. I., Romero-González, J. F., Güiza-Rodríguez, J. C., & Giraldo-Henao, E. W. (2023). User centered design and user experience in Universidad Libre access control system. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 3(1), e426.